Building Flask web application— Part 1

Gaurav Patil
3 min readJun 24, 2022


Prerequisite : First you need to install VS code.

Step 1 :

Create a new folder on desktop. Open it and hit right click inside it to open it using VS code as given below.

Step 2 :

Create file in this folder as given below.

Open VS code terminal and install flask in it by running following command :

pip install flask

Write the code given below in file

# Importing flask module
from flask import Flask, render_template
# Flask constructor takes the name of
# current module (__name__) as argument
app = Flask(__name__)
# The route() function of the Flask class is a decorator,
# which tells the application which URL should call
# the associated function home() and run the code written in
# index.html file
def home(): return render_template(‘index.html’)
# Flask's render_template() helper function is used to serve an HTML template as the response
# so home page will render the form produced by index.html template
# main driver function
if __name__ == “__main__”:
# run() method of Flask class runs the application
# on the local development server.

After writing code in, DO NOT forget to save the code by clicking (Ctrl + S).

Step 3 :

Create a folder and it must be named as “templates”. (Remember lowercase “t”). Create a html file inside it “index.html” and write code given below inside it.

<html><body><h1>This is my first flask API</h1></body></html>

Folder structure must be as given below, otherwise it will throw error.

Step 4 :

Now run following command in the terminal :


OR if above code doesn’t work, try :


This will generate URL in the terminal, as shown below.

Copy and paste this URL in web browser and you can see the webpage as :

Congratulations !!!

You have created first flask API.

In next tutorial, let’s accept user input from API and perform simple mathematical operation and check output on the webpage itself.



Gaurav Patil
Gaurav Patil

Written by Gaurav Patil

Machine Learning Engineer drawing insights from mathematics.

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